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what is promissory note and bills of exchange?

1. promissory note      

2. bill of Exchange

1. Promissory note - Promissory notes is a legal and written statement between lender and borrower. In which both are agree from the deal and borrower promise to lender for paying rest of amount in certain  date. Promissory note is used for mortgages and loans. 

The promissory note form should include, the names and addresses of the lender and borrower, the amount of money being borrowed or lend and what. signature of both parties and  collateral. collateral is used when borrower is unable to pay in  certain date then lender can avail by collateral. 

 2. Bill of exchange - Bill of exchange is a written negotiable instrument between two parties. wherein one party  signs  agreement to pay amount in certain time of date to another party.  generally two  or three  parties are involved in the bill of exchange agreement. one is seller and another one is buyer (buyer and seller could be a person himself or third party). There is no condition and  request in the bill of exchange. It is clearly define in the bill of exchange that definite amount, fixed date for the amount to be paid , bill must be signed by both of the parties (Drawee and Drawer). 

  Types of bill of exchange 

  • Foreign Bill
  • Inland Bill
  • Demand Bill
  • Supply Bill
  • Documentary Bill
  • Usance Bill
  • Clean Bill 
  • Trade Bill
  • Foreign Bill
condition and warranties in a contract.

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